I am still in disbelief. It was a step by step process over many years, difficult now to retrace. The dream began in 1980 after returning to the east coast from living on the west coast where I began long distance running. I fell in love with the coast lines of southern and northern California. While we lived in Pacific Grove, my daily run followed the wild coast line, turning inland through a pine grove. Sometimes the fog horn guided me through the fog. And I remained a lone runner, loving the freedom and sense of independence, running afforded me. So many years ago. First baby at 20, second at 23 and then at the age of 28, I began to run long distances. I had always loved to run and when my children were very small I used to run around a football stadium passing them every quarter mile. That was before there were even running shoes. But this is not about running. It is about falling in love with the northern coast of California and feeling free. I keep thinking, why after living most of my life on the east coast do I feel at home here? Here, four miles from the Pacific where the coastal fog flows over the tree line most evenings. Here where I walk along the shore.almost daily. My shoulders drop. I remember the fluid movement of running along the shore and that steady pace, the rhythmic breathing. No longer a runner, yet I feel that embodied experience of being free that I felt so many years ago. It is what I have been waiting for all these years. Surprisingly, so very present now in my day to day.
